Crédits : Dorothée Marro, CREM. Translation: Jill Harry. Picture: Philippe Fitte

Membre Gold: CMB Monaco

Founded in 1976, CMB Monaco is a leading private bank, benefitting from unrivalled financial stability. CEO Francesco Grosoli kindly answered our questions, explaining the reasons for this cooperation.
Why become a CREM “Gold Member”?

Monaco is a tiny country occupying a front-row seat on the international scene with residents of varied origins who often find it hard to connect. A recent example is a dinner I attended last week. I met people living in Monaco for 20 years (I have been a resident for 48 years), yet we had never crossed paths! Hence the importance of a meeting-point for all communities residing here, to create new synergies, share interests and passions. CREM is essential for all these communities, which is why it's so important for us to invest in this association and support it.

What does this status bring you?

Prestige, visibility, privileged encounters… Monaco is often associated with wealth. However, it also has intellectual, artistic, cultural, sporting, scientific and technological riches, making it unique worldwide… and CREM includes all these areas in its activity programme.

How do you define CMB Monaco?

We care about our clients!” Just like CREM, our bank places its clients at the heart of its concerns. They are listened to, respected, and benefit from a level of service which meets their expectations. Open non-stop from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., we are at our clients' disposal 7 days a week. Owing to its rising complexity, the private bank sector tends to see the client as a simple number. We do just the opposite. Thanks to our Monégasque DNA (as one of the rare banks born in Monaco), we are close by with a ready ear, whilst offering exceptional solidity, thanks to our shareholder, Mediobanca.

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