Crédits : Dorothée Marro, CREM. Translation: Jill Harry. Picture: RR

3 reasons to join CREM

Discover three reasons to join CREM.
Ideal integration into the Principality

CREM is an excellent vector for integration into all aspects of Monégasque life. From all around the world, its Members create unique cultural and human enrichment, bringing the Club international renown. With an attentive ear, its team strives to pay close attention to each of its Members.

A friendly-chic setting

Remarkably warm, the Club is open non-stop 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. from Monday to Friday, something exceptional in Monaco. Its top quality service and relaxed family atmosphere allow it to adapt to each Member. Thus you can benefit from using the Club to unwind, socialize with other Members, or even hold personal or professional meetings here.

A diverse array of activities

Weekly activities held by the Club, both indoor and outdoor, encourage interaction and stronger ties between Members: conferences, debates, cocktail parties, exhibition openings, visits to iconic or lesser-known venues, gala evenings, ticketing service for the Monte-Carlo Opera, the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra, Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo but also travels… Something to suit everyone's taste!

Welcome to the world of CREM: a place, a lifestyle, a culture.

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